Tag Archives: Communication

No Excuses (well, maybe one).

So, a student of one of my seminars appropriately scolded me recently that I hadn’t written in my blog. As I tried to explain the series of events leading to this hiatus, he (again appropriately) chastised me about excuses.

He was right. So, I promised I’d get back to it that weekend. Of course, on Sunday morning as I laid in bed thinking about what to write, I noticed I had a message on my phone I’d missed the night before from one of my schedulers. Another instructor had injured himself and they were desperate for a seminar leader for a class on Monday. Less than 12 hours later, I landed in Baltimore.

Okay, that one was legitimate, but the previous hiatus was not. Not communicating is not an option. And while I will be the first to tell you that silence can be a very effective form of communication, it is not in this case.

I apologize. I pride myself on my communication abilities and I have not followed up. So, it’s back to work!

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Filed under Communication, Leadership