Category Archives: Project Management Metrics

How to identify and use good metrics, and how to identify and remove bad metrics

Lean Project Management?

A colleague of mine recently told me she was approached to help with lean project management. Seriously? I’m challenged to think of anything more redundant.

The whole lean movement is based on reducing or eliminating non-value-added steps and reducing the costs of the value-added steps. But isn’t that what project managers do every day? Recall the role of the work breakdown structure (WBS): to identify ALL the work required and ONLY the work required to make the project successful. Don’t we constantly balance resources, sequence activities and handle risks to bring the project in as fast and inexpensively as possible?

Hmmmm, maybe I should sell “Lean Project Management”. I don’t have to change a thing except my marketing strategy.  We’ll promote that we eliminate any activity that doesn’t help the project. We’ll promote that we find the best resources to do the activities as inexpensively as possible. Yes, I can do this!

Cheers, all

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Filed under Lean project management, Practical Project Management, Project Management Metrics

Innovation may be returning!!!!

I’ve been watching the markets recently. With an immanent attack on Syria, the Fed tapering on Quantitative Easing, a looming debt ceiling debate and dwindling overall economy (not shrinking, but also not living up to expectations), the stock markets have been shaky at best.

Today is one of those days when the market doesn’t quite know what to do. So … here’s its delightful reaction:

Tesla (symbol: TSLA) – a highly innovative electric car company is down only slightly after a staggering run-up. Actually, at the exact time of this writing, it just turned positive again.

3-D Printing (symbol: DDD)  – a 3-D printing company is up sharply for no apparent reason

Lenovo Group (symbol: LNVGY) … the makers of the ThinkPads and other devices is up sharply today.                       …

Maybe, just Maybe the entrepreneurial spirit is returning!

FORGIVE ME … the entrepreneurial spirit of this country never left … it’s just been a really long time since it’s been rewarded.

Maybe … now we can get back to business!

ps. Yes, I know the Loveno Group is a Chinese company (that’s an interesting fact by itself). I’m just delighted the market’s starting reward innovation!

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Filed under Business Outlook, Project Management Metrics, The Value Strategy

Project Risk Management – Simplified!

I’m pleased to announce I just released my latest book, Project Risk Management – Simplified! If you’ve attended my seminars, you’ll know that risk management is one of my favorite project management subjects. In those seminars, I noticed many students tend to shy away from the subject, perhaps because of its negative connotations. However, I find it to be one of project management’s strongest and simplest subjects.

While confronting events that might go badly might make you uneasy, knowing how to address them if a VERY powerful tool and will solidify your projects nicely. That’s the reason I wrote this book.

This is the first book in a series I call “The Project Management Mini-Series”. These are short, easy-to-read, and inexpensive books designed to give busy project managers quick yet professional answers to project challenges. You can obtain the book at major on-line retailers in paper-back. It’s also available for your Kindle, Nook, iBook and Kobo devices.

I’ll focus my next few blog entries around risk for the next few months. I personally think risk is one of the simplest and most powerful of the project management disciplines. After a bit of research, I think you’ll agree.

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Filed under Practical Project Management, Project Management Metrics

The stock market’s about to turn negative.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the recent run-up in the stock market, because the party’s over. If you missed it, don’t worry, you’ll be able to buy back in at lower rates very soon.

I don’t usually comment on the stock market, but this one’s critical for all businesses. Market trends, are exhibiting a significant impact on day-to-day project decisions.

Trends indicate that the market (both real and stock) will start a significant downward trend starting as early as today.

Stay tuned and I’ll tell you why.

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Filed under Business Outlook, Project Management Metrics

Gloomy Outlook for Project Management

I participate and subscribe to a monthly survey regarding international project business conducted by the Project Management Institute (PMI). The August results are more than gloomy.

35% indicate they’ve had a significate decrease in revenue expectation during the month. Another 32% indicate a slight decrease. 53% expect the economic crisis to have a negative effect on business through mid 2010, another 20% expect the trend to continue through the end of 2010.

Since it’s projects that take innovation and turn it into value, how are we ever going to get out of this recession?

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Filed under General Business, Project Management Metrics

New PM Metric

If you’ve been following my newsletter, you’ll know I’m writing an article regarding practical project management metrics. The original premise for the article was that the only two sets of metrics you need for project management are: EVM (Earned Value Management) and Change Management metrics.
While having a conversation with a colleague lately, I realized there’s one more set of metrics: Stakeholder Issues.
These aren’t otherwise captured in either EVM or change management, but can have a devistating effect on project success.
I’ll address this in the last issue of the series in the newsletter.

Cheers,  all.

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