Culture vs Strategy

I just read a LinkedIn discussion entitled “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” by John Bishop. He cites a Debbie Holton of the Wall Street Journal who cites the quote as emanating from the new Ford makeover war room.

For years I’ve known that culture trumps strategy. For nearly as long, I’ve been trying to marry culture and strategy.

The solution just hit me — make culture a core value. Blast! Now I have to rework my value statements model!



Filed under OGBS, Value Tracks

2 responses to “Culture vs Strategy

  1. Culture should be a core value. It seems so simple, yet so disconnected with reality.

    Would love to hear more.


  2. Ahhh, now you got it. In 2000, the US was the richest country on Earth. In 2010, it’s number 9. You’re not wrong, just in a very small minority.

